Friday, June 15, 2007

How to have a split personality!

Hi there! I must have a split personality at the moment coz my newest releases and two completely different outfits! But hey variety is the spice of life i guess :)

I have to admit that Vamp is my favourite of the two. Its sensationally sexy and glamourous. The way it moves is pretty cool too - its very soft and just sort of flutters around you. I learnt a new texturing trick for it too! Under the green satin skirt is another skirt layer - but the outside of that skirt is completely clear. You cant see it when looking at it straight on, but underneath it have a purple snakeskin type texture - so when you move you occasionally get a flash of purple under the green skirt which contrasts really well. I am totally into it - but let me know what you think!

Beach Babe is my other most recent release. Its totally laid back, casual, funky and fun and hopefully will appeal to all those Beach Babes out there! I designed it coz i was starting to feel faintly ridiculous floating around Marla Beach in all these long gowns - but then it is SL and everyone just wears what the hell they want to regardless of location or time - which is fab! lol
Come on down to Marla Beach anytime just to hang out and say hi if that grabs your fancy :)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good post.